轎車狂奔40餘米,先後撞到了兩面牆、一扇防盜門和一輛轎車等,事故造成3輛轎車受損The car ran for more than 40 meters and hit two walls, an anti-theft door and a car. Three cars were damaged in the accident




   Due to the wrong operation, Hu's car ran for more than 40 meters, and hit two walls, an anti-theft door and a car successively. Three cars were damaged in the accident. Hu's car was hit beyond recognition and almost all the front of the car was hit. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

  According to Hu, the driver, last month, he increased his driving license from the original d license to the C1 driver's license, so he specially bought a brand-new Roewe car. The night before the accident, he parked his car in an alley at the back door of his home. At noon, when he started the car and fastened his seat belt, he began to gradually increase the accelerator. Unexpectedly, the car suddenly ran out like a runaway horse.

  Hu was in a panic and wanted to step on the brake, but the car seemed to be out of control. The vehicle first damaged a canopy and clothes hanger, then damaged the security door of a house, and then hit a low wall on the left side. The flying corner column hit a Mazda car parked on the right side, and finally pushed the Honda car against the left rear body of a Honda car To the wall of a garage.

    Aunt Xu, who lives nearby, ran out quickly after hearing the noise. Aunt Xu said that usually there are a lot of people chatting in the alley, "fortunately, it is noon time, we all go home to eat, otherwise we will definitely bump into a lot of people."

    When the traffic police arrived at the scene, in addition to three damaged cars, there were scattered bricks and debris, and there were two long brake marks on the ground. The traffic police immediately conducted a breath type alcohol test on driver Hu, and the result was zero, which ruled out the suspicion of drunk driving.

   According to the brake marks on the scene and the description of Hu, the driver who caused the accident, the traffic police judged that Hu stepped on the brake and accelerator at the same time after the operation error, so the car ran for more than 40 meters, causing serious losses. At present, the accident is still under further treatment. 





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