中國交通事故:開車直行過路口邊上電瓶車忽然串出來China's traffic accidents: driving straight through the intersection, battery cars suddenly come out

開車直行過路口。邊上電瓶車忽然串出來,我雖然踩了刹車,還是撞到了電瓶車,幸好對方人沒有大礙。現在車子在交警隊等候處理,事故責任書還沒下來。我個人感覺,我應該是沒有什麼責任的?大家幫我分析分析,這個事故責任應該怎麼劃分? Drive straight through the intersection. The battery car on the side suddenly came out. Although I stepped on the brake, I still ran into the battery car. Fortunately, the other side was not in a big way. Now the car is waiting to be dealt with by the traffic police team, and the responsibility for the accident has not come down. I personally feel that I should not have any responsibility? Everybody help me to analyze and analyze, how to divide the responsibility of this accident? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 網友回復:這種在路口沒紅綠燈的最煩人,感覺電動車責任大,但交警一般多少都會判你部責任的,因為的路口斑馬線旁,照理你應該降速注意觀察的。 網友回復:電動車不可以走機動車道,這輛電動車應該直行通過十字路口到達非機動車道後左轉。最後開車專心,能讓就讓一下,就算不用賠償,也麻煩啊。 網友回復:我感覺對等責任最平衡,如果不考慮雙方平衡,我感覺你的責任更大,雖然他上機動車道不對,但看撞擊位置,好像現在判案更看重因果關係,以前好像是誰違規在先誰的責任大。你車前部分撞他電瓶車...