
Showing posts with the label 车祸问题

中國交通事故:開車直行過路口邊上電瓶車忽然串出來China's traffic accidents: driving straight through the intersection, battery cars suddenly come out

      開車直行過路口。邊上電瓶車忽然串出來,我雖然踩了刹車,還是撞到了電瓶車,幸好對方人沒有大礙。現在車子在交警隊等候處理,事故責任書還沒下來。我個人感覺,我應該是沒有什麼責任的?大家幫我分析分析,這個事故責任應該怎麼劃分?      Drive straight through the intersection. The battery car on the side suddenly came out. Although I stepped on the brake, I still ran into the battery car. Fortunately, the other side was not in a big way. Now the car is waiting to be dealt with by the traffic police team, and the responsibility for the accident has not come down. I personally feel that I should not have any responsibility? Everybody help me to analyze and analyze, how to divide the responsibility of this accident?   ---------------------------------------------------------------------      網友回復:這種在路口沒紅綠燈的最煩人,感覺電動車責任大,但交警一般多少都會判你部責任的,因為的路口斑馬線旁,照理你應該降速注意觀察的。     網友回復:電動車不可以走機動車道,這輛電動車應該直行通過十字路口到達非機動車道後左轉。最後開車專心,能讓就讓一下,就算不用賠償,也麻煩啊。       網友回復:我感覺對等責任最平衡,如果不考慮雙方平衡,我感覺你的責任更大,雖然他上機動車道不對,但看撞擊位置,好像現在判案更看重因果關係,以前好像是誰違規在先誰的責任大。你車前部分撞他電瓶車...

中國交通事故:沒有機車駕駛證情况下報警會不會被處罰?Traffic accidents in China: will the police be punished without a driver's license?

     踏板機車和一輛小車🚗出車禍了。我直行他右側轉彎然後我們撞到一起了,我的車速應該在20公里左右。問題是家裡的機車有牌有證還有保險,小車司機也是,但是我沒有機車駕駛證。請問這種情況下報警,我會不會因為沒有機車駕駛證而收到拘留或者其他處罰?      A scooter and a car 🚗 There was an accident. I went straight ahead, he turned right, and we hit each other. My speed should be about 20km. The problem is that my family's motorcycles are licensed and insured, and so are the car drivers, but I don't have a motorcycle driver's license. I would like to ask the police if I do not have a motorcycle driver's license and receive detention or other penalties?     ---------------------------------------------------------------------            網友回復:你沒有駕照是行政違法行為,跟交通事故沒有因果關係。也就是說不會影響此次事故的定責。事故處理完後,再處理你無證駕駛的行為。按法律來說,是可以,但並不一定要拘留你的。     網友回復:去交警隊態度好一點,家裡抓緊找找關係,爭取一下罰點款,別拘留。     網友回復:打個比方,只要小轎車撞到機車,電動車,小轎車全責!有生命危險的小轎車全責。有關部門都是想方設法把責任推給肇事者!沒別的,就因為你撞人了! !     網友回復:只要是你直行,就對方的全責,和你的駕照沒有關係,我的一個親戚今年和你這事故一樣,他小車,賠了人家機車幾萬,也是有骨折。 ...

中國交通事故:載磚貨車與兩輛機車、一輛電瓶車發生碰撞碾壓。機車和電瓶車駕駛人傷亡嚴重Traffic accidents in China: a brick truck collided with two motorcycles and a battery car. Motorcycles and battery drivers are seriously injured!

      早上7:35左右,在樂山舊大橋下二環路的位置,載磚貨車與兩輛機車、一輛電瓶車發生碰撞碾壓。事故發生後,載磚貨車停在道路中間的花壇上,貨車所載紅磚散落一地,事故致二環路堵車較長時間,且機車和電瓶車駕駛人傷亡嚴重!現時造成二死三重傷      貨車剛上完坡,車速大概四十,直線行駛在快車道上(靠隔離帶),在貨車的右前方慢車道上有個電瓶車行駛,電瓶車後面緊隨兩輛機車(因貨車剛上坡,車速慢,電瓶車和機車相繼超貨車)。電瓶車和機車剛相繼超了貨車後突然電瓶車自己滑倒了,後面的兩輛機車跟的太緊,為了躲避滑倒的電瓶車就往左邊躲,相繼倒在了貨車的車輪下,貨車司機發現情况馬上往花壇上沖,想避開摩托車,無奈兩輛機車都往左靠躲電瓶車的時候相撞,直接就倒在了車輪下       At about 7:35 in the morning, at the location of the second ring road under the old bridge in Leshan, a brick truck collided with two motorcycles and a battery car. After the accident, the brick truck stopped on the flower bed in the middle of the road, and the red bricks were scattered on the ground. The accident caused traffic jam on the second ring road for a long time, and the motorcycle and battery car drivers were seriously injured and killed! Two dead and three seriously injured        The truck has just climbed the slope, and its speed is about 40. It runs in a straight line on the...

中國交通事故:東風重卡PK一汽卡羅拉Traffic accident in China: Dongfeng heavy truck PK FAW corolla.

     中國交通事故:東風重卡PK一汽卡羅拉。小車掉頭,大車直行未刹車導致撞擊並推行了二十多米,駕駛員還活著,副駕當時就不行了。     Traffic accident in China: Dongfeng heavy truck PK FAW corolla. The car turned around and the cart went straight ahead without braking, causing collision and pushing for more than 20 meters. The driver was still alive, but the co driver was no longer able to do so at that time. -------------------------------------------------------------------       網友回復:如果大車滿載貨物,强踩刹車極容易導致側翻,側翻更可怕,本來大車占理,但是不踩刹車法律上會認為大車有責任,哪怕是點刹,也是小車負全責,當然要看大車是否超載,占道等問題。其次,大車保險算的很,他才不怕撞到人,珍愛生命,遠離大車        網友回復:雨天路滑,踩了也沒多大用處,或者大車司機已經踩了呢?估計是大車司機高估了小車司機,以為點一下刹車小車就過去了,沒曾想小車司機動作遲緩,就撞上了       網友回復:實際上大車不刹車很正常,本來掉頭就該讓直行先走的,你倒好,非得搶,就算再好的車,你該讓也得讓,過不去你就得等著,强行加塞是玩命     網友回復:小車不讓行,全責!活該!司機缺德害的副駕駛!   

中國交通事故:兩輛公交車相撞,造成特大交通事故――至少三人當場死亡,數名重傷!其中,多數乘客為學生China's traffic accidents: two buses collided, causing a serious traffic accident - at least three people died on the spot, several seriously injured! Most of the passengers are students!

        中國交通事故:河南開封市祥符區羅王鄉的兩輛公交車在鹅趙橋附近相撞,造成特大交通事故――至少三人當場死亡,數名重傷!其中,多數乘客為學生!16名學生生死未知!據說,發生事故的原因,竟然是其中的一輛車趕另外一輛車的點了,司機較真,誰都不肯讓步,均駕車不顧乘客及個人安危,來回追趕,最終導致事故發生!逝者已去,一路走好。        China's traffic accident: two buses collided near ezhao bridge in Luowang Township, Xiangfu District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, causing a serious traffic accident - at least three people were killed and several seriously injured! Most of the passengers are students! Life and death of 16 students unknown! It is said that the cause of the accident was that one of the cars caught up with the other. The driver was serious, and no one would give in. They all drove regardless of the safety of passengers and individuals and chased back and forth, eventually leading to the accident! The dead are gone. Go well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------       網友回復:這倆貨就得拉出來暴打五分鐘       網友回復:何必呢,逝者安息,司機這是害人害己     ...

申嘉湖高速發生事故,寶馬740都救不了司機的命The BMW 740 couldn't save the driver's life in the accident of Shenjiahu expressway

     申嘉湖高速嘉興段發生了一起嚴重交通事故,一輛寶馬740轎車和一輛半掛車相撞。寶馬740轎車疑似硬路肩超車,左側整個車身都鑽進了掛車的尾部。據瞭解,寶馬車的司機已經死亡。在大貨車面前,什麼寶馬都是爛鐵皮一塊。     A serious traffic accident happened in Jiaxing section of Shenjiahu expressway. A BMW 740 car collided with a semi-trailer. The BMW 740 is suspected of overtaking on a hard shoulder, and the whole body on the left side has penetrated into the rear of the trailer. It is understood that the driver of the BMW has died. In front of the truck, any BMW is a piece of rotten iron.          ----------------------------------------------------------------      網友回復:寶馬本來就是奔寶奧路裡邊最軟的。以舒適和能裝B成名。安全性麼。真心不咋地。入門級豪車裏死亡率第一      網友回復:寧願撞護欄也不能撞掛車啊。。。司機還抱有僥倖能超車,向左打了方向,其實一脚刹車就解决的事情,只能去地府後悔了。      網友回復:想從右側超車?右側被人超車的感覺很恐怖,高速上每次有車從右側超我,都要嚇我一跳。      網友回復:可能出事前寶馬準備右側超車,不想貨車也變道緊急停車道,寶馬司機刹車為時已晚,當場損命。        

轎車狂奔40餘米,先後撞到了兩面牆、一扇防盜門和一輛轎車等,事故造成3輛轎車受損The car ran for more than 40 meters and hit two walls, an anti-theft door and a car. Three cars were damaged in the accident

     駕駛員胡某由於操作失誤,他駕駛的轎車狂奔40餘米,先後撞到了兩面牆、一扇防盜門和一輛轎車等,事故造成3輛轎車受損,胡某轎車被撞得面目全非,車頭幾乎都撞沒。幸運的是,該事故沒有造成人員傷亡。      據駕駛員胡某介紹,上個月,他從原來的D證增駕到了C1的駕駛證,為此還專門買了輛全新的榮威轎車。事發前一天晚上,他將車停在自家後門的一條小巷內,當天中午當他發動車子,系好安全帶後,開始漸漸加大油門,沒想到車子一下子就像脫韁野馬躥了出去。           胡某一下子慌了神,想去踩刹車,但轎車好像不受控制一樣,車輛先是撞壞一個遮雨棚及晾衣架,又撞壞了一間房子的防盜門,再撞上了左側的一面矮牆,撞飛的牆角柱子砸到了停在右側的一輛萬事得轎車,最終狠狠頂到一輛本田轎車左後車身,並推著本田轎車撞到了一家汽車修理店的牆上。           住在附近的徐阿姨聽到響聲後,趕緊跑了出來。徐阿姨說,平時小巷裏有很多人在聊天的,“幸虧是中午時間,大家都回家吃飯了,不然肯定會撞到很多人。”      交警趕到現場時,事故現場除了3輛破損的轎車,還有散落著的磚塊及物品碎片,地上還有兩條長長的刹車印記。交警隨即對駕駛員胡某進行呼吸式酒精檢測,結果為零,排除了其酒駕的嫌疑。     交警根據現場的刹車印記及肇事司機胡某的敘述判斷,胡某在操作失誤後,同時踩了刹車和油門,所以車子才會狂奔40餘米,造成嚴重損失。現時,事故還在進一步處理中。    Due to the wrong operation, Hu's car ran for more than 40 meters, and hit two walls, an anti-theft door and a car successively. Three cars were damaged in the accident. Hu's car was hit beyond recognition and almost all the front of the car was hit. Fortun...

我的電動車碎了,對方的小轎車也有些損壞My electric car is broken. The other party's car was also damaged.

        交通事故。我的電動車碎了。對方的小轎車也有些損壞。我是騎行過人行道。對方是人行道未减速。現在交警判定對半責任。對方有交強險,我什麼都沒有。有沒有人知道這個程度的定損一般多少錢?我要不要賠?還是啥都不要了。       traffic accident. My electric car is broken. The other party's car was also damaged. I'm on the sidewalk. The other side is the sidewalk, not slowing down. Now the traffic police have decided to be half responsible. The other party has compulsory insurance, I have nothing. Does anyone know how much a loss is usually made at this level? Do I have to pay? Or nothing.         --------------------------------------------------------------------    網友回復:你的車損,2000內對方全賠,他的車損,你賠一半    網友回復:這車,不換大燈,2000差不多能搞,4S估計得3000+換大燈,估計得六七千了    網友回復:該負的責任一定要負,不要把對方逼急了!起訴你,因為幾千塊錢上法院。輸了官司賠得更多。還賴的話司法拘留,上黑名單。你能保證一輩子不和銀行打交道就賴吧       網友回復:這車看起來燈好像沒壞,花不了太多錢還是個新車,估計車主也鬱悶   

我機動車右轉撞上行人,交警定我全責,家屬要12萬When my car turned right and hit a pedestrian, the traffic police decided that I was fully responsible, and my family wanted 120000 accident profiles

         我機動車右轉撞上行人,交警定我全責,家屬要12萬         事故概況:我機動車在無燈控路口讓直行車輛,車輛右轉撞上行人, 交警定全責治療情况:1.行人63歲女性,兩根肋骨骨裂,一根大拇指骨折,下嘴唇外傷未縫針,牙齒些許缺損。        2.住院12天期間請了護工,她本人可以自己走動,具備行動能力。        賠償情况:1.已墊付醫藥費1.5萬;2.家屬要求後續治療費5萬,誤工費3.6萬(之前幫兒子帶小孩,現在受傷了,要請保姆6000元*6個月);牙齒1.35萬,營養費5160元(860元*6個月),精神損失1萬。       諮詢:1.請問我機動車全責是否無抗告?2.根據受傷情况,賠償是否合理?      When I turned right and hit a pedestrian, the traffic police decided that I was fully responsible, and the family wanted 120000 Accident overview: my motor vehicle gave way to the straight vehicle at the intersection without light control, and the vehicle turned right and hit the pedestrian. The traffic police shall be fully responsible for it Treatment: 1. A 63 year old female pedestrian had two rib fractures, one thumb fracture, lower lip trauma without stitching, and some teeth defects. 2. During the 12 days of hospitalization, a nurse was employed. She ...

打122後快速理賠的交警說我銀色速騰全責After 122, the traffic police who settled the claim quickly said that I was fully responsible for the silver Sudeng

       打122後快速理賠的交警說我銀色速騰全責,後來去交警大隊,事故科的交警說本田全責,說它是强行並線,然後本田不認,現在為止交警也沒給事故責任認定書,只是說要調取當時候的治安監控,然後扣留了我們雙方的行駛證和駕駛證,大佬們給說說,這到底誰的責任,,注意,此處是一個轉盤,我一直在轉盤最內測的道路行駛,車速慢,並且一直開著轉向的,對方車速比我快,我看到它的時候它在我後面,因為它車速快,所以直接沖到我右前方        After calling 122, the traffic police who quickly settled the claim said that I was fully responsible for the silver speeder. Later, I went to the traffic police brigade. The traffic police of the accident department said that Honda was fully responsible and said that it was forced to merge the lines. Then Honda did not recognize it. So far, the traffic police have not given the accident responsibility confirmation certificate. They just said that they should transfer the current public security monitoring, and then detained the driving license and driving license of both sides. The big guys tell us who is this This is a turntable. I have been driving on the road inside the turntable. The speed is slow, and I have been driving to turn. ...

對交警判罰有抗告,怎麼上訴?我是後車,等紅燈時我在左車道,她在右How to appeal against the traffic police's decision?

       對交警判罰有抗告,怎麼上訴?我是後車,等紅燈時我在左車道,她在右。綠燈後,一塊起步,前車女司機突然左拐,我直行,根本看不到。最初交警判她全責,後來又變成半責,理由是兩車道沒劃線,直行左拐都可以,都沒禮讓。好心疼,兩付漆,一個霧燈罩         How to appeal against the traffic police's decision? I'm the back car. I'm in the left lane at the red light, and she's on the right. After the green light, a start, in front of the female driver suddenly left turn, I go straight, can not see. At first, the traffic police judged her to be fully responsible, but later she became half responsible. The reason was that there was no line in the two lanes, and it was OK to go straight and turn left. There was no comity. Good pain, two pairs of paint, a fog lampshade ------------------------------------------------------------ 網友回復:看位置感覺對方先出線,保不准還你責任大。 網友回復:拿到認定書立即去覆議部門 網友回復:沒線就是一個車道前車路權大!

求問一下。這種情況怎麼劃分責任。十字路口,當時出路口時,兩邊都有停車Please ask. How to divide the responsibility in this situation. At that time, there were stops on both sides of the road

      求問一下。這種情況怎麼劃分責任。十字路口,當時出路口時,兩邊都有停車,視野不是很好。點了下刹車。看了下左右沒車,就繼續往前走,然後再看了下右邊沒車,再看左邊時剛刹住這個電瓶車就撞上來了。正好撞到a柱位置 ---------------------------------------------------------- 網友回復:你責任大…. 視野很差的這種情況下可以喇叭轟幾聲,再慢慢露一點頭,讓路上經過的電瓶車提前注意到你,你再慢慢出去. 這種地方碰了電瓶車就很倒楣的. 網友回復:地上有分割線,這不是路口,你屬於橫穿馬路, 主責以上 網友回復:做好全責的準備吧

求助,我是小車,對方改裝電動車,他超車直接撞上我的 Help, I am a car, the other side refit electric car, he overtakes the car directly hit me

         求助,我是小車,對方改裝電動車,他超車直接撞上我的,當時我只有30碼左右,這樣的情况我有什麼責任,對方檢查我叫救護車送醫院,檢查費用我出的,人沒骨折,就留院觀察幾天,他家說我全責,讓我全包醫藥費,我直接讓交警處理對嗎,我的車全保險的。我的車前面保險架子被他撞斷了,責任會讓他賠付修理費嗎,保險方說,如果是我的責任就我出,不是我的就不要出對嗎?       Help bar friend, I am a car, the other side refitted an electric car, he overtakes the car directly hit me, at that time I was only about 30 yards, what responsibility do I have in such a situation, the other party inspected me to send an ambulance to the hospital, the examination fee I paid, the person did not have a fracture, he stayed in the hospital for observation for a few days, his family said I was fully responsible, let me pay all the medical expenses, I directly let the traffic police deal with it, right, my car is fully insured Yes. He broke the front safety frame of my car. Will he be responsible for the repair? The insurer said, if it's my responsibility, I'll pay for it. If it's not mine, don't do it, right? ------------------------------------------...

車子開到別人房頂上,現在房主不讓吊車,想要保險公司修復房子的同時喊我給一萬。The car drove on the roof of someone else’s house. Now the owner doesn’t allow the crane. When he wants the insurance company to repair the house, he calls me 10,000

              車子開到別人房頂上,現在房主不讓吊車,想要保險公司修復房子的同時喊我給一萬,派出所也不做明確調解,我不同意給錢後派出所就說這是調解不達成,這種情況我可以怎麼辦,保險公司也完全不作為啥事都叫我自己協商                When the car drives to someone else's roof, now the owner doesn't let the crane. When he wants the insurance company to repair the house, he asks me to give 10000 yuan. The police station doesn't make clear mediation. After I don't agree to give money, the police station says that mediation can't be reached. In this case, what can I do? If the insurance company doesn't do anything at all, I will ask myself to negotiate --------------------------------------------------------- 網友回复:對方扣車屬於違法行為 網友回复:怎麼開到房頂上去了?油門當剎車了吧 網友回复:對方沒有權利不讓你吊車,阻攔就報警 網友回复:只能催保險公司走流程理賠啊,他們是不管你怎麼提車,但正常理賠是要的 網友回复:這種事法律幫不了你,我要是你就找十幾個人先把車吊出來再說。 網友回复:吊車的時候,他要是阻攔就報警呀

求助,今年五月五號我爸騎著摩托車帶著我媽去上班,一個意外被一輛大貨車追尾。For help, on May 5th this year my dad took my mom to work on a motorcycle, but was accidentally rear-ended by a large truck

                     求助,今年五月五號我爸騎著摩托車帶著我媽去上班,一個意外被一輛大貨車追尾,我爸受傷,我媽不治身亡,因為我爸是無證駕駛交通事故責任判定為對方主要責任,我爸次要責任,我媽是乘坐人無責。通過交警的處理讓對方出10萬塊錢,讓我們出諒解書,再談民事賠償,可我考慮到我的家庭情況(有個先天性腦癱的弟弟,生活不能自理,平時都是我媽在照顧吃喝拉撒!現在我爸不能動,家裡一切都要我來做)覺得10萬對我們來說太少了,從心裡也不想簽這份諒解書,家裡親戚都勸我,讓我拿錢把事情趕緊處理了,我說諒解書最起碼得讓對方出15,20萬,家里人說我們這邊沒這麼多的,現在交警哪邊,也一直以疫情期間檢察院不收為由一直拖著。求助好心人幫我出出主意,我該怎麼做!             For help, my dad took my mom to work on a motorcycle on May 5th of this year. An accident was rear-ended by a large truck. My dad was injured. My mom died of death because my dad was driving a traffic accident without a license. The other party's primary responsibility is my dad's secondary responsibility, and my mom is a passenger. Through the traffic police's treatment, let the other party pay 100,000 yuan, let us issue a letter of understanding, and then talk about civil compensation, but I take into account my family situation (there is a brother with congenita...

撞了個電動車,對方韌帶拉傷,判我們全責。墊付了大概6000,主要是核磁費用。 3個月對方就恢復正常了。現在過去8個月了,對方也不結案。Hitting an electric car, the other side's ligaments were strained and sentenced us to full responsibility. About 6,000

         撞了個電動車,對方韌帶拉傷,判我們全責。墊付了大概6000,主要是核磁費用。 3個月對方就恢復正常了。現在過去8個月了,對方也不結案。估計時嫌誤工費賠的少。據說人傷時訟有效期是一年。這種情況下我能找保險公司拿回墊付的錢嗎?一年後過了訴訟有效期,又怎麼處理,以後再也不墊付了          Hitting an electric car, the other side's ligaments were strained and sentenced us to full responsibility. About 6,000 advances were made, mainly due to nuclear magnetic charges. The other party returned to normal within 3 months. Now that eight months have passed, the other party has not closed the case. It was estimated that the loss of lost time was too small. It is said that the lawsuit is valid for one year when a person is injured. In this case, can I find an insurance company to get the money back? One year later, the validity period of the lawsuit has passed, how to deal with it, and no more advance payment will be made in the future -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 回复:幹嗎墊錢呢?他要誤工費你讓他拿出證明來啊。直接起訴傷者和保...

提問:交通事故交強險賠付問題諮詢,有沒有大神解答一下謝謝了急。Consultation on the issue of compensation for traffic accidents, do you have any great answers? Thank you for your anxiety.

交通事故交強險賠付問題諮詢,有沒有大神解答一下謝謝了急。 交通事故我主責對方次責,我汽車對方摩托車,對方已經出院了,花費2.6w醫藥費,我只有交強險,這個2.6w醫藥費交強險會不會全賠呀?另外對方現在要誤工護理營養費這些怎麼辦?是不是交強險不賠這些的?住院55天。求解答謝謝了。 如果不賠是不是我要出1.6w在加上營養護理誤工這些?交強險先行已經拿一萬出來了。     Consultation on the issue of compensation for traffic accidents, do you have any great answers? Thank you for your anxiety.      I blame the other party for the traffic accident. I have the other party's motorcycle and the other party has been discharged. It costs 2.6w for medical expenses. I only pay strong insurance. Will this 2.6w medical fee be paid for? In addition, what should I do if the other party now has to miss the nursing care fee? Is it compulsory to pay strong insurance? 55 days in hospital. Thank you for your answers.       If there is no compensation, am I going to pay 1.6w in addition to nutritional care for lost work? Ten Thousand Dollars has already come out. ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------...