撞了個電動車,對方韌帶拉傷,判我們全責。墊付了大概6000,主要是核磁費用。 3個月對方就恢復正常了。現在過去8個月了,對方也不結案。Hitting an electric car, the other side's ligaments were strained and sentenced us to full responsibility. About 6,000
Hitting an electric car, the other side's ligaments were strained and sentenced us to full responsibility. About 6,000 advances were made, mainly due to nuclear magnetic charges. The other party returned to normal within 3 months. Now that eight months have passed, the other party has not closed the case. It was estimated that the loss of lost time was too small. It is said that the lawsuit is valid for one year when a person is injured. In this case, can I find an insurance company to get the money back? One year later, the validity period of the lawsuit has passed, how to deal with it, and no more advance payment will be made in the future