提問:交通事故交強險賠付問題諮詢,有沒有大神解答一下謝謝了急。Consultation on the issue of compensation for traffic accidents, do you have any great answers? Thank you for your anxiety.




    Consultation on the issue of compensation for traffic accidents, do you have any great answers? Thank you for your anxiety.

     I blame the other party for the traffic accident. I have the other party's motorcycle and the other party has been discharged. It costs 2.6w for medical expenses. I only pay strong insurance. Will this 2.6w medical fee be paid for? In addition, what should I do if the other party now has to miss the nursing care fee? Is it compulsory to pay strong insurance? 55 days in hospital. Thank you for your answers.

      If there is no compensation, am I going to pay 1.6w in addition to nutritional care for lost work? Ten Thousand Dollars has already come out.




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