中國交通事故:載磚貨車與兩輛機車、一輛電瓶車發生碰撞碾壓。機車和電瓶車駕駛人傷亡嚴重Traffic accidents in China: a brick truck collided with two motorcycles and a battery car. Motorcycles and battery drivers are seriously injured!

     At about 7:35 in the morning, at the location of the second ring road under the old bridge in Leshan, a brick truck collided with two motorcycles and a battery car. After the accident, the brick truck stopped on the flower bed in the middle of the road, and the red bricks were scattered on the ground. The accident caused traffic jam on the second ring road for a long time, and the motorcycle and battery car drivers were seriously injured and killed! Two dead and three seriously injured 
      The truck has just climbed the slope, and its speed is about 40. It runs in a straight line on the fast lane (close to the isolation belt). There is a battery car running in the slow lane in front of the right side of the truck. The battery car is closely followed by two motorcycles (because the truck has just ascended the slope and the speed is slow, the battery car and motorcycle overtake the truck one after another). The battery car and motorcycle had just overtaken the truck one after another, and suddenly the battery car slipped. The two motorcycles in the back were too close. In order to avoid the slipping battery cars, they went to the left and fell under the wheels of the truck. The truck driver immediately rushed to the flower bed and tried to avoid the motorcycle. However, the two motorcycles collided when they both leaned to the left to avoid the battery car, and they fell down directly Under the wheel!   







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