早上7:35左右,在樂山舊大橋下二環路的位置,載磚貨車與兩輛機車、一輛電瓶車發生碰撞碾壓。事故發生後,載磚貨車停在道路中間的花壇上,貨車所載紅磚散落一地,事故致二環路堵車較長時間,且機車和電瓶車駕駛人傷亡嚴重!現時造成二死三重傷 貨車剛上完坡,車速大概四十,直線行駛在快車道上(靠隔離帶),在貨車的右前方慢車道上有個電瓶車行駛,電瓶車後面緊隨兩輛機車(因貨車剛上坡,車速慢,電瓶車和機車相繼超貨車)。電瓶車和機車剛相繼超了貨車後突然電瓶車自己滑倒了,後面的兩輛機車跟的太緊,為了躲避滑倒的電瓶車就往左邊躲,相繼倒在了貨車的車輪下,貨車司機發現情况馬上往花壇上沖,想避開摩托車,無奈兩輛機車都往左靠躲電瓶車的時候相撞,直接就倒在了車輪下 At about 7:35 in the morning, at the location of the second ring road under the old bridge in Leshan, a brick truck collided with two motorcycles and a battery car. After the accident, the brick truck stopped on the flower bed in the middle of the road, and the red bricks were scattered on the ground. The accident caused traffic jam on the second ring road for a long time, and the motorcycle and battery car drivers were seriously injured and killed! Two dead and three seriously injured The truck has just climbed the slope, and its speed is about 40. It runs in a straight line on the...